by Dr. Anahita Jafari
Over 6000 years ago the ancient Persians were using Gold as one of the most effective medicines for mental issues, and inflammatory conditions, such as Arthritis, as well as spiritual purification.
About 1500 years ago, The “Prince of Medicine” as noted by the Encyclopedia Britannica Avicenna, a Persian Physician and scholar, was treating many conditions with Gold. From inflammatory bowel conditions to Arthritis and mental conditions; all very effectively. In his most famous medical text, “Canon of Medicine”, he mentioned the use of Gold for speedy Healing.

Avicenna developed an “Elixir” of Gold for treatment of gout, “anti aging” and cell rejuvenation.
Gold also was used in dental processors.
Wishing you optimal Health,
Parsi Herbs, Inc.
Dr. Anahitta Jafari