Schools are a hotbed of germs because there are so many people jammed into a relatively small space. 

Germs include a whole host of things, such as viruses and bacteria, floating around in the air waiting to be breathed in. This typically happens when someone coughs or sneezes, leaving the germs to live for long periods of time on various surfaces, just beholding their next victim.

Consider these five areas where you will likely find a ton of germs in school. Drinking fountains, lunchrooms, classroom books, gym equipment, and bus seats. 

While handwashing is your best defense, sinks are not always available, in that case,opt for sanitizers. You can use sanitizersthat come in a variety of delivery systems; gels, sprays and roll-ons. Sending our students to school with their own sanitizers is a great alternative, just make sure you instruct children on how to use them properly.

Key times to battle germs, which is also a terrific idea to enforce at home, are: after using the bathroom, before and after eating, when using shared materials (books, gym equipment, computers, tablets, etc.), and after coughing or sneezing into our own hands.

At Nadona International, we offer three formulations for our Ultimate Germ Shield line of anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal products. All are made from proprietary blends of globally sourced essential oils. WE DO NOT USE ALCOHOL, and all are 100% organic, vegan, gluten and cruelty-free. 

Keeping in mind that we all strive to achieve optimal health, eating a healthy diet and getting lots of rest is a critical way to boost your own immune system for a germ-free year at school. 

Bring home great experiences, make lots of friends, and leave the germs behind!

Wishing all our parents and their families, a happy and healthy school year!