When it comes to getting the word out about our products, nothing beats word of mouth. Loyal customers, and new, want to purchase products and services from reliable and superlative sources, and what better way to learn about them, then from real people who use them and recommend them wholly.

Nadona International would like to thank Nelly Yefet, AP, owner of Spirit Mountain Healing Arts Center in South Florida. Those new to that she has shared with her patients since 1977. Through traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy and biofeedback, her non-invasive and preventative approaches, effectively treat the whole – Mind, Body and Spirit. When treating a patient, Dr. Nelly realizes the importance in focusing on the root cause of an illness, rather than only superficially treating the symptoms.

It is no wonder Dr. Nelly recommends Ultimate Germ Shield; our products have been created with intention, made to boost your immune system, and protect you against harmful microbials. Follow the link to hear Dr. Nelly’s testimonial. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rX7q7xF0Gvs. To find out more about Ultimate Germ Shield, visit us at Nadona International.com or 561.501.3538.

We love hearing how much you love our products! Thank you.

Note: No products or services were exchanged for this endorsement