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Discovering the wonders of Croatia & Beyond!
A trip with your host Nada Cory combines the history and undiscovered gems of the area, replete with healing, energetic light. Welcome a chance to connect with Mother Earth, its inhabitants, and this ancient, mystical land of Croatia and the Bosnian Pyramids. View the full itinerary for our upcoming JUNE 2024 & September 2024 trips!
The Benefits of Chamomile
by Dr. Mercola While you are very likely familiar with it as a tea, you may not realize the herb chamomile is also useful as a bath, cream, essential oil, gargle, inhalation, poultice and tincture. In addition to having a sedative effect, chamomile possesses...
Dr. Sam Osmanagich’s lecture
My reflections upon Dr Sam Osmanagich’s lecture: Have you ever heard of the Bosnian Pyramids and all the new knowledge they open us to? On January 12, 2018 in Deerfield Beach, an enthralled group of attendees were privileged to hear firsthand from the man who...
Zagreb – City with a Heart
Zagreb, the Capital of Croatia, was starting point for Nada’s Pilgrimage 2018. It known as the “City with a Heart.” Zagreb main square and cathedral aerial view, Croatia Zagreb is distinguished by its 18th- and 19th-century Austro-Hungarian architecture. At its...
The Meeting Place of Two Indian Gurus at the Bosnian Pyramids
Pyramids in Europe? We have all been taught in school – even graduate level anthropology – that pyramids are an Egyptian and Mezo-American phenomena. A doggedly determined archeologist, Dr Semir Osmanagich, fought the academic and political communities around the...
Nada’s treasures
Nada’s Pilgrimage to Croatia and the Bosnian Pyramids Have you ever traveled to a foreign country and seen spectacular sites? Have you really met with the locals and interacted with them, learned about their essence of being and ways of living? How did you feel when...