Pyramids in Europe? We have all been taught in school – even graduate level anthropology – that pyramids are an Egyptian and Mezo-American phenomena. A doggedly determined archeologist, Dr Semir Osmanagich, fought the academic and political communities around the world who sought to block his uncovering of multiple magnificent pyramids in Bosnia in Southern Europe.

After years of quiet, dedicated work, it is no longer possible to deny their existence, both academics and the public are flocking to see these incredible wonders that are scientifically dated at 20,000 – 30,000 years old.
The largest, the Pyramid of the Sun, is so large that two Giza Pyramids could fit inside. Perhaps even more remarkable is the network of underground tunnels connecting the numerous pyramids (the Ravne Labyrinth) and the energy that can be measured inside.
Several European Yoga/Spiritual communities have visited the Bosnian Pyramids and vowed to return with groups each year to bathe them in the energies during their Yoga/Meditation practice.
The Bosnian Pyramids have become a world attraction that is being thought after by many visitors, volunteers, explorers and mediums from around the world. Archeology, science, energy, spirituality, healing, harmony with nature…. are the reasons and attractions of the largest and the oldest pyramids found in Visoko.
In May 2017 two Indian spiritual teachers have come with many of their followers and devotees. Grand Master Bahmadshi Patricia came with a group of 128 followers from India, Singapore, Taiwan, China, Malaysia, Europe and USA. Patricia is known as the creator of a new way of meditation (meditating in a very simple way) and he is a promoter of vegetarian ways of eating.
At the same time another spiritual leader and philanthropist Mohnadi resided in Visoko, whose message is; “Unconditional Love is our True Nature”. with him came a group of 113 visitors from Serbia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Latvia, India and several other countries.
Two world renown spiritual leaders met at the entrance to the prehistoric underground labyrinth Ravne. A wholehearted greeting resulted in the commentary as to the fact that the valley of Bosnian Pyramids have become the meeting point between two cultures, East and West joining the best that the two worlds have to offer.

This is the third year in a row that Mohandi has paid a visit with numerous followers and his family from Serbia, and he is planing to come many more times, as this is for him “a place with exceptional energy and the perfect place for meditation”.
Impressed by the hospitality and the exceptional organization of the entire team of the Foundation, Patridi and his guests from India have decided that they shall return every year in May to hold a conference for guests from all over the world.
At his departure Patridi said:
“Up until now, every year we visited the Egyptian Pyramids. Yet we found that those are energetically dead. The Bosnian Pyramids are untouched and therefore energetically alive. All people coming here are open and with a smile on their faces. From now on, Visoko is our new seat in Europe.”
From the official newsletter of the Bosnian Pyramids
Advanced equipment to map the inside structure from above and measure the energy levels inside, around and above have made the Bosnian Pyramids an attraction for scientists interested in energy healing. The announcement in April 2017 of the discovery of the Tesla’s Torsion Fields or scalar waves on top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, described as the connection to the cosmic internet, supports Kirlian photography evidence of beneficial changes in the biofield (aura) of individuals exploring the accessible tunnels and pyramid entrances. Could this be healing energy?
Many of our Foundation’s Ambassadors are practitioners in energy therapies from Light (Infrared), Healing Touch, Reiki, Scalar, Essential Oils and Raw Food (plant frequencies), Toning, Guided Imagery, Yoga, Meditation and more. These therapies are all guided by one of the foundational principals of medicine, “First Do No Harm.” From the depiction of halos in Christian iconography to our current day science of EMFs, there is little doubt among true scientists that “Energy is the Medicine of the Future.” Whether the source is Dr. Richard Gerber’s Vibrational Medicine, James Oschman’s Energy Medicine, Gregg Braden s The Divine Matrix, or Bruce Lipton’s The Biology of Belief, there is little doubt that medicine is far more than a body-part’ s repair and replacement task. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual fields are recognized in holistic nursing as the biofield and energy therapies are recommended for addressing disturbances.
As the Joseph P Cory Foundation’s mission commits to educating individuals and communities in wellness and well being, we are envisioning that our Croatia and Bosnia Pilgrimage will provide an opportunity for a personal experience of this scalar energy – to feel this site not just see it. Scalar energy opens a new world of healing in mind, body and spirit.
Join us in September, 17-30, 2018, the Foundation’s Croatia and Bosnia Pilgrimage, and indulge in the deep healing of ‘old world’ food, the open arms of family communities, nature’s pristine treasures – thermal spas, mineral baths and more, spiritual sites and, of course, the Bosnian Pyramids.
To Your Health, in Love and Light,
Nada Maria Cory