Are Americans poisoning themselves in their response to fight COVID-19?

Choose your disinfecting products with caution and care!

Croatia & Beyond Sept 20 – Oct 2, 2025

Click below for a full pdf presentation!

Newly Pressed and Bottled Golden Olive Oil Has Arrived!

This amazing oil, is as delicious as it is beautiful to look at. If you are in the market for a gift for someone who has everything, or want to treat yourself like royalty, visit our product page.

New Infomercial!

We invite you to take a quick peek at our 90 second infomercial, most recently aired by Ignyte Magazine on their streaming channels: ROKU and Amazon Fire TV. Take the first step to support your immune system by clicking here! In good health, Nada Cory

The Story of Gold

by Dr. Anahita Jafari Over 6000 years ago the ancient Persians were using Gold as one of the most effective medicines for mental issues, and inflammatory conditions, such as Arthritis, as well as spiritual purification. About 1500 years ago, The “Prince of Medicine”...

The Benefits of Chamomile

by Dr. Mercola While you are very likely familiar with it as a tea, you may not realize the herb chamomile is also useful as a bath, cream, essential oil, gargle, inhalation, poultice and tincture. In addition to having a sedative effect, chamomile possesses...

My Plus One for Oral Health!

Using a Water Pik® has been a routine practice during my lifetime. They are easy to use and especially helpful for getting into hard-to-reach areas of the mouth, tightly spaced teeth, and periodontal pockets that may be caused by early gum disease. Keeping breath...

Medjugorje, putting the “Healing” in Helichrysum!

Medjugorje, Bosnia, is situated in the valley of a mountainous rocky terrain where little grows. Thus, passion and dedication are necessary to bring forth anything edible and useful to its people. Surprisingly and beneficial for us all, there are numerous wild...

“Protection or Poison?”

Are the ingredients in your child’s antibacterial products putting them at risk? Many schools recommend sending students to class with ample supplies of well-known “antibacterials” to minimize the spreading of germs. The list includes familiar brands that are the...

Keep Calm and Boost your Immune System!

Be proactive, not reactive. Do not sit helplessly waiting for bad news. At a time when emotions run high, remember to remain calm. Above all, minimize your fears by maximizing your innate potential, and boost your own immune system.  The holistic community...

“Still” need germ protection?

It does not seem too long ago when we would pay anything for sanitizer. Well, fast forward; companies can’t give it away. During 2020, manufacturers, in particular distilleries, pivoted from making liquor to producing alcohol-based sanitizer, for the purposes of...

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Get the Word Out!

Get the Word Out!

When it comes to getting the word out about our products, nothing beats word of mouth. Loyal customers, and new, want to purchase products and services from reliable and superlative sources, and what better way to learn about them, then from real people who use them...

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Medjugorje, putting the “Healing” in Helichrysum!

Medjugorje, putting the “Healing” in Helichrysum!

Medjugorje, Bosnia, is situated in the valley of a mountainous rocky terrain where little grows. Thus, passion and dedication are necessary to bring forth anything edible and useful to its people. Surprisingly and beneficial for us all, there are numerous wild...

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In Support of Global Wellness Day 2020

In Support of Global Wellness Day 2020

Global Wellness Day is an entirely not-for-profit day, a social project dedicated to living well. The purpose of Global Wellness Day is to ask the question, even if for just one day, “How can I live a healthier and better life?”, to direct the thoughts of both...

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New Infomercial!

New Infomercial!

We invite you to take a quick peek at our 90 second infomercial, most recently aired by Ignyte Magazine on their streaming channels: ROKU and Amazon Fire TV. Take the first step to support your immune system by clicking here! In good health, Nada Cory

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Keep Calm and Boost your Immune System!

Keep Calm and Boost your Immune System!

Be proactive, not reactive. Do not sit helplessly waiting for bad news. At a time when emotions run high, remember to remain calm. Above all, minimize your fears by maximizing your innate potential, and boost your own immune system.  The holistic community...

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